Hows life?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The "Who?" Quiz:
Who is best for me (looks)?
Who is best for me (personality)?
Who is best for me (overall)?
Who do you think I should like?
Who do you think I do like?
Who do you think likes me?
Who do you think should like me?
Who do you think makes me smile/laugh the most?
Who do you think makes me cry the most?
Who do you think makes me mad the most?
Who do you think makes me hyper the most?
Who do you think keeps me calm?
Who do you think keeps me “normal”?

heh if you don't know me too well then just put somthing random down =D i wont care what you say.
I won't critize what anyone says here k?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I dunno what to do
I feel so un happy but not depressed
but for now ill just watch some vids of some games
yes im wierd dont you just love it?
(Resident Evil 4 very grusome but fun =D)

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Thanksgiving is about giving. So why is it so un-giving?
I'm stuck here in Colorado with some people that are 4 years older than me.
We were going to come here for skiing but there is not snow besides is a 3 hr trip to the mountain and why fly all the way to Colorado to ski when you can just drive to a mountain in Washington if you want to ski sooo badly?
Here, nothing is about family everyone is so preoccupied with thier little azn friends to pay attention to the fire next door @_@.
Well I hope everyone has a better thanksgiving than me.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I just visited the orthodontist today wow it was like torture.
The braces were fine I only have them on the top :P
The frequent visits were fine too they didn't hurt too much for too long
But these last weeks were just out of line.
First last wensday I got my braces wire just to have a checkup and the assistants tripped over their own feet
Then during the week I had my wire off my teeth moved back so they were all crooked and stuff so when I came into the orthodontist today they had to push the teeth into position man it was like torture.
then I have this gold chain attached to my unexposed tooth surgically and when they pulled on it it was like taking a needle and shoving it up your gums. pretty painful.
All this for straight teeth T.T

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Today my sister forced me to play this really outdated version of DDR on a really old and messed up pad.
I just FAIL at DDR there's no way I can get an F grade on any song T.T
there is no way people can get so pro at DDR cuz the arrows are just too confusing...
It was a nice way to spend my home work time though xD.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

survey thingy

* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Dark brown
Hair Color:: Black
Height:: 5'6" ish
Favorite Color:: Green preferably light
Screen Name:: Menace
Favorite Band:: Linkin Park
Favorite Movie:: I don't know but the last one I remember is the Simpsons movie
Favorite Show:: Family Guy
Your Car:: car?
Your Hometown:: Wherever Stanford is
Your Present Town:: here
Your Crushes First Name:: ...
Your Grade:: Eight.
Your Style:: my own

* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: No
Kissed someone in the rain?: No?
Danced in a public place?: yes or wait no.
Smiled for no reason?: yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes
Peed your pants after age 8?: naw
Written a song?: I probably don't have the talent to
Sang to someone for no reason?: To someone?
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yes all the time :P
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yes
Made out in a theatre?: ...
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: nah
Been in love?: yes errm no...

* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: My sister's friend Chi Chi
Tell you, I love you?: my mom
Kiss you?: I don't know
Hug you?: I don't know either
Tell you BYE?: Robert?
Write you a note?: I don't get notes.
Take your photo?: Aviv
Call your cell phone?: Mom
Buy you something?: Robert
Go with you to the movies?: Mitch
Sing to you?: people don't sing to me
Write a poem about you?: People don't wright poems about me either
Text message you?: I don't have a plan X_x
Touch you?: I don't know but my best guess is mitch or derek

* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: a few minutes ago
Time you cried?: I don't remember
Movie you watched?: The simpson's movie-I don't get out much
Joke you told?: I can't remember that
Song you've sang?: Believe me, Fort Minor
Time you've looked at the clock?: now
Drink you've had?: Cranberry juice
Number you've dialed?: Derek T.
Book you've read?: Earth Abides or Shadow's giant if you don't count school books
Food you've eaten?: Jolly Rancher
Flavor of gum chewed?: Mint
Shoes you've worn?: Tennis Shoes
Store you've been in?: JC Penny's
Thing you've said?: I's supposed to remember that?

* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Yes but you might not recognize my left hand's writing
Whistle?: Yes
Blow a bubble?: Yes.
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Yup.
Cross your eyes?: Yes... so easy its freeky
Touch your tounge to your nose?: No...
Dance?: Define dance...
Gleek?: Gleek=trick so no
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yes.
Speak a different language?: Yes ish
Impersonate someone?: A little
Prank call people?: Yes.
Make a card pyramid?: Well, a really bad one
Cook anything?: yes like eggs.

* . . Finish The Line . . *
If I were a ...: fish I would drown my self.
I wish ...: it was so easy.
So many people don't know that ...: I have this blog.
My heart...: is pumping... hopefully.


My fat little dog named bobo or bo or beau whatever you want to call it.

you may think my dog is cute you may think that he is nice
You Are Wrong
For any of you that wanted that dog for forever you really don't want it.
he pees on the floor every morning
do you know how painful it is to wake up and the first thing you see is a puddle of pee that you can sometimes step in accidentally and then you have to change and wash your feet?
or picking up like 10 pieces of poo all at once then having to smell it in your trash can
giving my dog a bath is the most annoying part though
my clothes get all dirty and he thrashes
after i wash him though he doesn't even smell good for very long.
bottom line: dont get a dog you'll regret it
the only reason I have mine is it's cute but other wise...

I dug up some old summer photo's from my trip to Banff.
recognize the one on the bottom?

Friday, November 9, 2007


My mom was going to take my sister to the mall and all of the sudden when they're half way down the drive way they stop. I see both of them making frantic gestures and it looked like they were yelling so I went down stairs to check it out. Suddenly both of them burst through the door and start sparring off. They were yelling so loudly I was deaf for a minute. Some times my mom is so unreasonable I just want to punch her. uggg parents and children is there any way for peace? Its like a war zone out there.
* My sister put her Yale thingy on the kitchen desk but my mom wanted her to file it away. My sis said that if she put it there she'd forgot so when my mom say my sister was annoyed a war broke out... what a silly thing to fight over it's my sister's choice where to put a piece of paper...
*whats even worse is my sis sent me over to my mom as a diplomat but guess what? It only got my sis grounded for longer uggg when will this stop?

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Whats everyone doing this weekend? I'm just gonna stay at home sleeping a bunch mabey go somewhere but mostly sitting at home on my comp. I know I don't really have a life but thats how weekends are for me. Think of this long weekend as a short week instead less hw hopfully. Hey if you have anything better to do on the weekends tell me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My sister backed into our garage last week. You know, blind people should not drive cars it is very dangerous. So now we have a giant hole in our garage and if you want to rob our house all you have to do is kick the hole and climb on in! My dad is too bust to fix that hole so its going to be there a while... And my computer blew up on Sunday so now I can't really do anything from this lap top that I have. At least I get a better graphics card from this. For anyone wearing braces: have you ever gotten your wire removed but not your brackets for a week? It is annoying probably going to have to wear my braces extra because I didn't have them for a week.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I've discovered a little too late that life is just a bunch of tiny little annoyances one after another. Sure I can probably take the first couple hundred in a day but after a while something has gotta give. Good thing time heals all wounds.

First post

I finnally created a blog although most people probably won't care. If you happen to see my blog please comment or take a look.